ESPI - European Space Policy Institute

Estonia Presidency 2025

In 2025, the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu) has the honour of chairing the European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) under the theme "Security in Space: Europe's Challenges and Opportunities". The Estonian Presidency is supported by the EISC Secretariat, which is managed by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

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About EISC

Established in 1999 as a permanent forum for inter-parliamentary co-operation in space between the European national parliaments interested in space policy, it aims at facilitating the exchange of information on space activities and at promoting mutual understanding of national policies through the provision of a forum for analysing the major issues at stake in the European space sector.

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Stay tuned for future events

The EISC Workshop will take place on 27-29 April in Tartu.

The Annual Plenary Session will take place on 3-5 September in Tallinn.

Become a Member

Are you a Member of Parliament and looking to join EISC? Find more about EISC membership below

Full members

National parliaments of EU and/or ESA member states that have created a parliamentary body dealing with space affairs

Associate members

National parliaments of states not being full members of the EU and/or ESA that have created a parliamentary body dealing with space affairs


National parliaments of the member states of the EU or ESA that have not created a parliamentary body dealing with space affairs

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