ESPI - European Space Policy Institute


Please find below previous EISC events

Plenary Session

22-23 September 2024

This year’s EISC Plenary Session will take place from 22 – 23 September 2024 in Luxembourg under the theme “Universities and Space”.

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Past events

EISC Workshop

24-26 March 2024

From 25-26 March 2024, the European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) convened its annual Workshop at the Chamber of Deputies in the heart of Luxembourg under the presidency of the Luxembourgish Parliament.   As the secretariat of EISC, the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) played an active role in co-organising and convening this forum that brought together parliamentarians, academics, experts […]

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EISC Plenary Session 2023

September 24-25
Capacity: 90
Austrian Parliament, Vienna

On September 24-25th, 2023, the EISC Plenary Session took place at the Austrian Parliament in Vienna, Austria under the Austrian Presidency on the topic “Europe’s contribution to an evolving space economy”.  

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